Next Generation Sequencing Core Facility

  • Thomas Wood (Manager)

Equipment/facility: Facility

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    University of Texas Medical Branch 6.142 Medical Research Building 301 University Blvd Galveston 77555-0621

    United States

Equipments Details


UTMB’s Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Core provides high throughput sequencing to UTMB investigators using three dedicated Illumina instruments; HiSeq1500, NextSeq 550 and a MiniSeq. The NGS Core offers support in library construction from various template sources; RNA (total, poly A+ and miRNA), chromatin immunoprecipitated DNA (ChIP-Seq) and DNA (genomic and amplicon-derived). Library complexity is assessed using qPCR prior to amplification. Illumina NGS technology uses adapter-ligated template molecules to populate a hollow glass flow cell. Individual target molecules are then amplified to create template clusters. Templates are sequenced using reversible, fluorescent-tagged terminator nucleotides. Costs are reduced by indexing (“bar coding”) individual template libraries, allowing multiple libraries to be sequenced in each of the flow cell lanes.


NameNext Generation Sequencing Core Facility
Acquisition date8/31/14


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