Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 59 results
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Mechanisms of Spinal Cord Stimulation-Induced Pain Relief
Yamamoto, S. (PI)
Texas Society of Anesthesiologists ( Award # )
11/1/23 → 10/31/24
Project: Research project
Portal Venous Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) in Swine
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
Thunar Medical, Inc ( Award # )
7/15/23 → 7/31/24
Project: Research project
Photobiomodulatory effect on Pneumonia/Sepsis ARDS
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
4/1/23 → 7/15/24
Project: Research project
RE- Nichols-Cortiella Lung Research Fund
Cortiella, J. (PI)
Nichols-Cortiella Lung Research Fund ( Award # )
2/13/23 → 12/31/24
Project: Research project
Tahoe Transcarotid Arterial Reversal System
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
2/1/23 → 4/1/23
Project: Research project
Single Dose, Two-Period Study in a Total of 6 Sheep
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
5/19/21 → 11/1/21
Project: Research project
Increasing Diversity Through Leadership: A Pilot Project
Abouleish, A. (PI)
American Society of Anesthesiologists
10/1/20 → 9/30/21
Project: Research project
Non-invasive Determination of Venous Oxygenation after Simulated Hypovolemia with Lower Body Negative Pressure
Kinsky, M. (PI)
9/1/20 → 3/31/21
Project: Research project
Optoacoustic measurement of oxygen saturation in the left innominate vein
Teegarden, B. (PI)
7/9/20 → 4/30/21
Project: Research project
Placebocontrolled Preclinical Evaluation of Safety/Toxicology of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in clinically relevant ovine model of Severe Acute Lung Injury
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc ( Award # )
6/1/20 → 12/31/22
Project: Research project
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Microvesicles for the Treatment of Acute Lung Injury
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
University of California - San Francisco ( Award #5R01HL11302209)
2/1/20 → 1/31/22
Project: Research project
Nano-Pulsed Laser Optoacoustic Therapy for Pretreatment and Post-Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury
Micci, M. (PI)
Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity ( Award #W81XWH1910522)
9/30/19 → 3/31/22
Project: Research project
Automated Assessment of Pulmonary Mechanics & Fluid Responsiveness
Kinsky, M. (PI)
University of Cincinnati ( Award #FA86501926G32)
8/22/19 → 7/21/22
Project: Research project
Polymer Surfactant in Smoke Inhalation-Induced ARDS
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
Spirrow Therpeutics, LLC ( Award # )
8/1/19 → 12/31/20
Project: Research project
Etiology of Microvascular Changes in Gram-positive Sepsis: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Options
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences ( Award #5R01GM09748009)
7/1/19 → 6/30/24
Project: Research project
Multicenter, Randomized, Active-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of EXPAREL When Administered via Infiltration into the Transversus Abdominis Plane versus Standard of Care in Subjects Undergoing Elective Cesarean Section
Babazade, R. (PI)
Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc ( Award # )
4/24/19 → 10/24/21
Project: Research project
CompuFlo Epidural Instrument Cost Effectiveness Study
Babazade, R. (PI)
Milestone Scientific, Inc ( Award # )
1/15/19 → 12/31/20
Project: Research project
Effect of R-1703 Administration on Hemorrhagic Shock in Female Merino Sheep
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
Salzman Group, Inc ( Award #R44GM122095)
11/1/18 → 3/31/19
Project: Research project
Ovine Model of Chlorine Inhalation
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
Salzman Group, Inc ( Award #R44GM122095)
9/1/18 → 3/31/19
Project: Research project
Smart Oxygenation System (SOS) Provides Early Warning of Lung Injury
Kinsky, M. (PI)
Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity ( Award #W81XWH18C0156)
8/31/18 → 11/30/23
Project: Research project
Noninvasive Monitoring of Total Hemoglobin Concentration in Neonates
Prough, D. (PI)
Noninvasix, Inc ( Award #1R41HD09454201A1)
8/5/18 → 7/31/19
Project: Research project
Nichols-Cortiella Lung Research Fund
Cortiella, J. (PI)
Nichols-Cortiella Lung Research Fund ( Award # )
1/1/18 → 12/31/24
Project: Research project
Nichols-Cortiella Lung Research Fund
Cortiella, J. (PI)
Nichols-Cortiella Lung Research Fund ( Award # )
1/1/18 → 12/31/23
Project: Research project
Ovine chlorine induced lung injury (CILI) models consisting of Cl2 dose range finder, Natural history, and Pilot Ovine CILI model studies including determination of single dose pharmacokinetics of R-107 and R-100
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
Salzman Group, Inc ( Award #HHSO100201600016C)
5/2/17 → 12/31/19
Project: Research project
Closed Loop Control Fluid and Ventilation/Oxygenation
Kinsky, M. (PI)
University of Cincinnati ( Award #FA86501726G24)
3/21/17 → 9/20/19
Project: Research project
Grant #85400: Inhibition of bacterial and host H2S for antimicrobial defense after burns
Toliver-Kinsky, T. (PI)
Shriners Hospitals for Children - Texas ( Award #85400)
1/1/17 → 8/31/19
Project: Research project
Spinal Cord Stimulation in a Sheep Chronic Neuropathic Pain Model
Wilkes, D. (PI)
12/1/16 → 2/1/17
Project: Research project
Ovine Model of Smoke Inhalation-Induced Acute Lung Injury: Fluorescently Labeled Dextrans Permeability
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
Ferring Pharmaceuticals ( Award #7305KSY170112)
12/1/16 → 12/1/18
Project: Research project
Thioredoxin mimicry: novel treatment of toxicant-mediated inhalational lung injury
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
Salzman Group, Inc ( Award #5U01ES02409702)
11/1/16 → 8/31/18
Project: Research project
Restoration of free radical homeostasis: novel therapy of septic shock
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
Salzman Group, Inc ( Award #2R44GM10050302A1)
9/1/16 → 5/31/18
Project: Research project
Effect of Diatolic Dysfunction on Volume Responsiveness
Kinsky, M. (PI)
Anesthesia Safety Products, LLC ( Award # )
8/12/16 → 8/11/18
Project: Research project
Navigen Conscious Sepsis Study
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
University of Utah ( Award # )
1/6/16 → 1/5/17
Project: Research project
Sheep PK Study Using Study Drug NAV-4543
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
Navigen Incoporated ( Award # )
6/1/15 → 6/1/16
Project: Research project
Evaluation of a Novel Device for Accurate Evaluation of Endotracheal Tube Position
Sreshta, E. (PI)
4/15/15 → 5/14/17
Project: Research project
Toxic Gas Inhalation Injury
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
Salzman Group, Inc ( Award # )
4/1/15 → 4/1/16
Project: Research project
Intrathecal Morphine Tolerance Studies in a Sheep Chronic Neuropathic Pain Model
Wilkes, D. (PI)
3/6/15 → 6/30/17
Project: Research project
Grant #85100: Adipose-derived Stem Cell Therapy for Lung Injury After Burn and Smoke Inhalation
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
Shriners Hospitals for Children - Texas ( Award #85100)
1/1/15 → 12/31/18
Project: Research project
ELII: Neurogenesis in demented and non-demented individuals with Alzheimer's disease
Micci, M. (PI)
National Institute on Aging ( Award #5R03AG04753702)
9/30/14 → 4/30/17
Project: Research project
ELII: Feasibility of a Novel Opto-Acoustic Device to Precisely Localize Endotracheal Tube Positioning in a Cadaver Model
Prough, D. (PI)
University of Maryland ( Award #FA86501426D16)
9/5/14 → 9/4/15
Project: Research project
ELII: Airway Delivery of Fibrinolytic Therapy for ISLI
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
University of Texas Health Science Center - Tyler ( Award #5R01HL11840104)
9/1/14 → 4/30/16
Project: Research project
ELII: Smoke Inhalation and Burn Injury (SIBI)
Enkhbaatar, P. (PI)
Salzman Group, Inc ( Award #1R43HL11036401A1)
4/1/14 → 4/1/15
Project: Research project
Moody Center for Translational Traumatic Brain Injury
Prough, D. (PI)
9/27/13 → 6/30/17
Project: Research project
TP508 Mitigates Radiotherapy-induced Tissue Damage
Toliver-Kinsky, T. (PI)
Chrysalis BioTechnology ( Award #HHSN261201300076C)
9/20/13 → 9/19/16
Project: Research project