6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Carol A. Carman, PhD with the persons below:
Jose Salazar, PhD, MLS(ASCP)cm
- Clinical Laboratory Sciences - Professor & Chair
- Pathology - Adjunct Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Christopher Zahner, MD
- Pathology - Asst Prof (N-T Trk Clin)
- Clinical Laboratory Sciences - Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Family Medicine - Clinical Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Alexandra Rapp, MD
- Pathology - Asst Prof (N-T Trk Clin)
- Clinical Laboratory Sciences - Adjunct Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Michael Laposata, MD, PhD
- Pathology - Professor & Chair
- Clinical Laboratory Sciences - Adjunct Professor
Person: Academic
Alejandro Villasante-Tezanos, PhD
- Biostatistics & Data Science - Asst Prof (N-T Track Research)
Person: Academic