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Novel Strategies for Reducing Burn Scar Itch
Finnerty, C. (PI)
University of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio ( Award #175151)
4/1/24 → 7/31/25
Project: Research project
Identification of Subtypes in Texas Burn Injuries: From Registries to Targeted Patient Care
Finnerty, C. (PI)
University of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio ( Award #175150)
4/1/24 → 7/31/25
Project: Research project
Trial of the thrombin-derived peptide TP508 for healing a combined radiation + burn injury
Finnerty, C. (PI)
Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity ( Award #W81XWH2210409)
9/30/22 → 9/29/25
Project: Research project
Grant #70900: Skin Substitutes for Wound Closure Following Massive Burn Injuries
Finnerty, C. (PI)
Shriners Hospitals for Children - Texas ( Award #70900)
1/1/18 → 10/24/18
Project: Research project