6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Fangjian Guo, MD, PhD with the persons below:
Scott Weaver, PhD, MS
- Microbiology And Immunology - Professor & Chair
- Institute for Human Infections - Dir Inst Human Infect & Imm, Scientific Director, GNL
- Emerging Disease & Global Heal - Adjunct Professor
- Pathology - Professor
Person: Academic
Vicente Resto, MD, PhD, MBA, FACS
- Faculty Group Practice - Chief Phys Exec FGP& SVP HS Am
- Otolaryngology - Professor
- Neurosurgery - Professor
- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - Professor
Person: Academic
Mukaila Raji, MD, FACP
- Internal Medicine - Professor
- School of Nursing - Adjunct Professor
- Pop Hlth & Hlth Disparities - Professor
Person: Academic
Kyriakos Markides, PhD
- Pop Hlth & Hlth Disparities - Professor
- Internal Medicine - Professor
- Physical Therapy - Adjunct Professor
Person: Academic