Jones, M., Winger, A., Wernz, C., Michel, J., Jiang, S., Zhou, A., Hilton, E. J., Zemmel, M., Sengupta, S., Barnes, K., Loomba, J., Brown, D. E., Wilcox, A. B., Lee, A. M., Graves, A., Anzalone, A., Manna, A., Saha, A., Olex, A. & Williams, A. E.
& 116 others,
Southerland, A., Girvin, A. T., Walden, A., Sharathkumar, A. A., Amor, B., Bates, B., Hendricks, B., Patel, B., Alexander, C., Bramante, C., Ward-Caviness, C., Madlock-Brown, C., Suver, C., Chute, C., Dillon, C., Wu, C., Schmitt, C., Takemoto, C., Housman, D., Gabriel, D., Eichmann, D. A., Mazzotti, D., Boudreau, E., Hill, E., Zampino, E., Marti, E. C., Pfaff, E. R., French, E., Koraishy, F. M., Mariona, F., Prior, F., Sokos, G., Martin, G., Lehmann, H., Spratt, H., Mehta, H., Liu, H., Sidky, H., Awori Hayanga, J. W., Pincavitch, J., Clark, J., Richard Harper, J., Islam, J., Ge, J., Gagnier, J., Saltz, J. H., Buse, J., Mathew, J., Rutter, J. L., McMurry, J. A., Guinney, J., Starren, J., Crowley, K., Bradwell, K. R., Walters, K. M., Wilkins, K., Gersing, K. R., Cato, K. D., Murray, K., Kostka, K., Northington, L., Pyles, L. A., Misquitta, L., Cottrell, L., Portilla, L., Deacy, M., Bissell, M. M., Clark, M., Emmett, M., Saltz, M. M., Palchuk, M. B., Haendel, M. A., Adams, M., Temple-O'Connor, M., Kurilla, M. G., Morris, M., Qureshi, N., Safdar, N., Garbarini, N., Sharafeldin, N., Sadan, O., Francis, P. A., Burgoon, P. W., Robinson, P., Payne, P. R. O., Fuentes, R., Jawa, R., Erwin-Cohen, R., Patel, R., Moffitt, R. A., Zhu, R. L., Kamaleswaran, R., Hurley, R., Miller, R. T., Pyarajan, S., Michael, S. G., Bozzette, S., Mallipattu, S., Vedula, S., Chapman, S., O'Neil, S. T., Setoguchi, S., Hong, S. S., Johnson, S., Bennett, T. D., Callahan, T., Topaloglu, U., Sheikh, U., Gordon, V., Subbian, V., Kibbe, W. A., Hernandez, W., Beasley, W., Cooper, W., Hillegass, W. & Zhang, X. T.,
Apr 2023,
2023 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, SIEDS 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.,
p. 297-302 6 p. (2023 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, SIEDS 2023).
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution