Characterization and Development of a Nipah virus inhibitor

Project: Research project

Project Details


SBIR submission Collaborations Phannaceuticals "Characterization and Development of a Nipah virus inhibitor'' (January 2023) Specific aims and tasks:

  • Evaluate the antiviral activity of pyronaridine and derivates against Nipah virus (NiV) in vitro. Oetennine ECso, EC9o., CCso, and SI values.
  • Evaluate the antiviral efficacy of pyronaridine or derivatives in the Syrian Golden Hamster model for NiV. These experiments include a dose-finding study, a time to failure study, as well as a natural history of disease study.
Effective start/end date9/15/238/31/25


  • Collaborations Pharmaceuticals, Inc ( Award #1R43AI17435001A1): $97,381.00


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