Monoclonal Antibody Cocktail for Treatment of Marburg Virus Disease

Project: Research project

Project Details


Specific Aim 1: To demonstrate superior protective efficacy of two classes of antibodies in guinea pig model of MARV Angola infection. During the Phase 1 portion of this fast track SBIR UTMB will: 1- Perform Efficacy study in guinea pigs. The study design is summarized in Table 1 (the doses may be modified based on the outcome of the currently ongoing study). Fifty (50) female Hartley guinea pigs (aged 4-6 weeks) will be randomized based on body weight into five (5) experimental groups. Due to the large number of guinea pigs, it may be necessary to divide this study into two cohorts, and each cohort study will be conducted separately. All animals will be given a lethal challenge of 1,000 pfu of guinea pig-adapted MARV-Angola on Study Day 0. Test Article (vehicle control for group 1, mAbs for groups 2-10) will be administered intraperitoneally on day 3 post­ infection. Animals will be monitored for clinical signs, morbidity, weight loss, and mortality daily for 28 days, and bled on Study Days 3 and 7 as well as on day of any euthanasia and viral load will be determined by PCR or plaque assay. We anticipate higher level of protection (Mantel-Cox) in cocktail groups compared to the groups receiving a dose of individual antibodies equal to total dose of the respective cocktail group. The detailed design of the study (dose and time) may be revised upon further discussion between AbVacc and the UTMB team.
Effective start/end date8/11/231/1/24


  • AbVacc ( Award #1R44AI17937101): $67,200.00


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