Twist TdT Structure Collaboration

Project: Research project

Project Details


The goal of this work is for the Smith lab to crystallize and determine the atomic structure of the polymerase, TdT, complexed with an oligonucleotide (primer) and a 3’protected nucleotide. Twist Biosciences will supply all the material necessary for this work: 1) Highly purified proprietary no tag version of the engineered TdT (NTT3) that has mutations on the mouse TdT backbone. 2) 3’ ONH2-protected DTTP 3) 3’ dideoxy oligonucleotide The PI will execute all the work necessary to determine and refine this structure.
Effective start/end date7/1/246/30/25


  • Twist Bioscience Corporation ( Award # ): $45,163.00


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