Índice digital D2:D4 y desarrollo del lenguaje

Translated title of the contribution: 2D:4D finger ratio and language development

Lilia Albores-Gallo, A. Fernández-Guasti, L. Hernández-Guzmán, C. List-Hilton

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Introduction. A possible hormonal influence in language development has been suggested in the recent years. The 2D:4D finger ratio is an indirect measure for prenatal androgen exposure. It is negatively related to prenatal testosterone and positively related to prenatal estrogen, resulting in a lower ratio for men and a larger ratio for women. It can be explored in children as young as 2 years old. Aim. To study if an association exists between the 2D:4D finger ratio and language development (vocabulary) and/or language problems. Subjects and methods. The lengths of the second digit (index finger) (2D) and the fourth digit (ring finger) (4D) were measured in 97 preschoolers and the Language Development Survey was administered to the parents. Results. A weak negative correlation between language development (vocabulary) and right 2D:4D ratio was found in both sexes for children aged 4 or less years, significant only in boys. A strong negative correlation between language articulation problems and right 2D:4D ratio in both sexes for children aged 3 or less years, and a lower negative correlation between articulation problems and right 2D:4D ratio were found for boys aged 4 or less years. Conclusion. Findings suggest an important role for testosterone in language development (vocabulary) and a possible influence on articulation problems, probably through higher testosterone levels.

Translated title of the contribution2D:4D finger ratio and language development
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)577-581
Number of pages5
JournalRevista de Neurologia
Issue number11
StatePublished - May 29 2009
Externally publishedYes


  • 2D:4D ratio
  • Expressive language disorder
  • Language articulation problems
  • Language development
  • Sex differences

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Clinical Neurology


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