A case of comorbidities highlighting cerebral stroke, vision impairment, and dementia

Kimberly Hreha, Praveena Gupta, Timothy A. Reistetter

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This case report is of a two-time stroke survivor with significant health comorbidities. This report highlights A.R.’s pre-existing, non-neurological vision impairments, stroke-related vision impairments, in addition to cognitive impairment and possible dementia. Information including her past medical history, current functional status, and battery of assessments that were used in the acute care hospital are detailed. Conclusions include the need for comprehensive, valid, and adapted assessments especially when comorbidities are present. We suggest that cognitive assessments that do not rely on vision may have improved the test accuracy in this case.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalSAGE Open Medical Case Reports
StatePublished - Nov 24 2020


  • Visual impairment, dementia, stroke, comorbidities, aging, neuro-ophthalmology


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