A dynamic flow fetal membrane organ-on-a-chip system for modeling the effects of amniotic fluid motion

Sungjin Kim, Po Yi Lam, Lauren S. Richardson, Ramkumar Menon, Arum Han

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Fetal membrane (amniochorion), the innermost lining of the intrauterine cavity, surround the fetus and enclose amniotic fluid. Unlike unidirectional blood flow, amniotic fluid subtly rocks back and forth, and thus, the innermost amnion epithelial cells are continuously exposed to low levels of shear stress from fluid undulation. Here, we tested the impact of fluid motion on amnion epithelial cells (AECs) as a bearer of force impact and their potential vulnerability to cytopathologic changes that can destabilize fetal membrane functions. A previously developed amnion membrane (AM) organ-on-chip (OOC) was utilized but with dynamic flow to culture human fetal amnion membrane cells. The applied flow was modulated to perfuse culture media back and forth for 48 h to mimic fluid motion. A static culture condition was used as a negative control, and oxidative stress (OS) condition was used as a positive control representing pathophysiological changes. The impacts of fluidic motion were evaluated by measuring cell viability, cellular transition, and inflammation. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging was performed to observe microvilli formation. The results show that regardless of the applied flow rate, AECs and AMCs maintained their viability, morphology, innate meta-state, and low production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. E-cadherin expression and microvilli formation in the AECs were upregulated in a flow rate-dependent fashion; however, this did not impact cellular morphology or cellular transition or inflammation. OS treatment induced a mesenchymal morphology, significantly higher vimentin to cytokeratin 18 (CK-18) ratio, and pro-inflammatory cytokine production in AECs, whereas AMCs did not respond in any significant manner. Fluid motion and shear stress, if any, did not impact AEC cell function and did not cause inflammation. Thus, when using an amnion membrane OOC model, the inclusion of a dynamic flow environment is not necessary to mimic in utero physiologic cellular conditions of an amnion membrane. Graphical Abstract: (Figure presented.)

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number32
JournalBiomedical Microdevices
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 2024


  • Amniotic fluid
  • Dynamic flow cell culture
  • Fetal membrane
  • Microphysiological system
  • Organ-on-chip
  • Preterm birth
  • Shear stress

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Molecular Biology


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