Aggregated transthyretin is specifically packaged into placental nano-vesicles in preeclampsia

Mancy Tong, Shi Bin Cheng, Qi Chen, Joana Desousa, Peter R. Stone, Joanna L. James, Lawrence W. Chamley, Surendra Sharma

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41 Scopus citations


In preeclampsia, the serum levels of transthyretin, a carrier protein for thyroxine, are elevated. Transthyretin isolated from preeclamptic serum is also aggregated and can induce preeclampsia-like symptoms in pregnant IL10-/- mice. Using western blotting, immunofluorescence, ELISA and qRT-PCR, we investigated the production of transthyretin by preeclamptic placentae and whether transthyretin is carried into the maternal circulation via placental extracellular vesicles. Both total and aggregated transthyretin were present in higher levels in preeclamptic placentae compared to normotensive placentae (p < 0.05, n = 7), however the levels of transythretin mRNA were not significantly different (n = 8). Preeclamptic placentae secreted similar levels of total transthyretin compared to normotensive placentae (2352 ± 2949 ng/mL vs. 3250 ± 1864 ng/mL, mean ± SD, p > 0.05, n = 8), however in preeclampsia, a significant proportion is vesicle-associated (~48% vs 0%). Increased levels of aggregated transthyretin were specifically associated to preeclamptic nano-vesicles (p < 0.02, n = 8). This study showed that the placenta actively produces transthyretin and in preeclampsia, a significant amount is extruded into the maternal circulation via placental exracellular vesicles. The increased aggregation of transthyretin in preeclampsia occurs at the post-transcriptional level and while preeclamptic nano-vesicles may be removing a toxic aggregated protein from the placenta, they may also be delivering aggregated transthyretin to specific maternal organs, contributing to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number6694
JournalScientific reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 1 2017
Externally publishedYes

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