Association between obesity and serum 25(OH)D concentrations in older Mexican adults

Victoria G. Rontoyanni, Jaqueline C. Avila, Sapna Kaul, Rebeca Wong, Sreenivas P. Veeranki

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


Background: Vitamin D is essential for maintaining bone mineralization and calcium homeostasis, and prevents falls and fractures in older adults. Mexico is undergoing an epidemiologic and demographic transition with increasing obesity rates. The study’s aim was to determine the association of obesity with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations in older Mexican adults. Methods: Data from 1772 Mexicans, aged ≥50 years, enrolled in a sub-sample of the 3rd wave of the Mexican Health and Aging Study, were included. Serum 25(OH)D concentrations were used to define vitamin D status, and were categorized into tertiles. Body mass index measures were used to categorize older adults into under/normal weight, overweight, and obese groups. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to assess the relationship, adjusting for potential confounders. Results: Approximately 40% and 37% of older Mexican adults were either overweight or obese, respectively. Compared to under/normal weight older Mexicans, obese adults were 1.78 times (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 1.27-2.48) and 1.94 times (95% CI 1.40-2.68) more associated with the first and second tertile concentrations of serum 25(OH)D, respectively. Overweight adults were 1.52 times (95% CI 1.12-2.06) more associated with the second tertile of serum 25(OH)D concentration than under/normal weight adults. Conclusion: Overweight/Obesity was found to be significantly associated with low concentrations of serum 25(OH) in older Mexican adults.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number97
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1 2017


  • Body mass index (BMI)
  • Mexican health and aging study (MHAS)
  • Obesity
  • Older mexican adult
  • Serum 25(OH)D
  • Vitamin D

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Food Science
  • Nutrition and Dietetics


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