CCL1 released from M2b macrophages is essentially required for the maintenance of their properties

Akira Asai, Kiwamu Nakamura, Makiko Kobayashi, David N. Herndon, Fujio Suzuki

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

46 Scopus citations


Patients with 10-30 days postburn injury are greatly susceptible to infections. M1MΦ{phonetic} (IL-10-IL-12+ MΦ{phonetic}) are essential cells in host antibacterial innate immunity against MRSA infections. However, these effector cells are not easily generated in hosts who are carriers of M2bMΦ{phonetic} (IL-12-IL-10+CCL1+LIGHT+ MΦ{phonetic}). M2bMΦ{phonetic} are inhibitory on M1MΦ{phonetic} generation. In this study, the antibacterial resistance of mice, 10-30 days postburn injury against MRSA infection, was improved by the modulation of M2bMΦ{phonetic} activities. Unburned mice inoculated with MΦ{phonetic} preparations from mice, 10-30 days after burn injury, were susceptible to MRSA infection, whereas unburned mice, inoculated with MΦ{phonetic} preparations from the same mice that were previously treated with CCL1 antisense ODN, were resistant to the infection. M2bMΦ{phonetic}, isolated from Day 15 burn mice, lost their M2bMΦ{phonetic} properties 3 days after cultivation under frequent medium changes, whereas their M2bMΦ{phonetic} properties remained in the same cultures supplemented with rCCL1. In cultures, MΦ{phonetic} preparations from Day 15 burn mice treated with CCL1 antisense ODN did not produce CCL1 and did convert to M1MΦ{phonetic} after heat-killed MRSA stimulation. Also, Day 15 burn mice treated with the ODN became resistant against MRSA infection. These results indicate that CCL1 released from M2bMΦ{phonetic} is essentially required for the maintenance of their properties. The increased susceptibility of mice, 10-30 days after burn injury to MRSA infection, may be controlled through the intervention of CCL1 production by M2bMΦ{phonetic} appearing in association with severe burn injuries.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)859-867
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Leukocyte Biology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 2012


  • Burn
  • CCL1
  • M2b macrophages
  • MRSA

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Immunology and Allergy
  • Immunology
  • Cell Biology


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