COVID-19 And Mental Health Outcomes Of Older Adults: Evidence From Mexico

Cesar Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Karina Orozco-Rocha, Deborah S. Degraff, Rafael Samper Ternent, Rebeca Wong

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Estimates using data from the Mexican Health and Aging Study, a national longitudinal sample of older adults in Mexico, show elevated risk for negative mental health outcomes for those experiencing COVID-19 infection or major COVID-19-related adverse events. Predicted elevated probabilities were greater for a major adverse event than for COVID-19 infection, and they varied across sociodemographic groups defined by age, sex, education, and urban-rural residence.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1675-1680
Number of pages6
JournalHealth Affairs
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2023
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Health Policy


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