Current aspects of Shigella pathogenesis

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

30 Scopus citations


Bacillary dysentery (shigellosis) is a severe human disease caused by Shigellae. In recent years, a large amount of information has been generated regarding the host, pathogen and environmental factors that impact the pathogenesis of shigellosis at the cellular and molecular level. This review summarizes what is currently known about Shigella, detailing those factors that contribute to pathogenesis and examining the current progress in the development of a vaccine.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)89-97
Number of pages9
JournalRevista Latinoamericana de Microbiologia
Issue number3-4
StatePublished - Jul 2004


  • Invasion
  • Pathogenicity island
  • Shigella
  • Virulence plasmid

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Microbiology
  • General Veterinary
  • Microbiology (medical)


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