Inhibition of glucose-stimulated insulin release in the perfused rat pancreas by parathyroid secretory protein-I (Chromogranin-A)

George H. Greeley, James C. Thompson, Jin Ishizuka, Cary W. Cooper, Michael A. Levine, Sven U. Gorr, David V. Cohn

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    51 Scopus citations


    The effect of graded doses (10-10-10-8M) of highly purified bovine parathyroid secretory protein-I (SP-I; chromogranin-A) or synthetic porcine pancreastatin on glucosestimulated insulin release in the perfused rat pancreas was examined. SP-I (10-9 M) inhibited the first phase of glucosestimulated insulin release, and 10-8 M SP-I inhibited both the first and second phases of glucose-stimulated insulin release; 10-10 M SP-I was inactive. In comparison, pancreastatin at 10-10 M inhibited the first phase of insulin release, and at 10-9 and 10-9 M, pancreastatin inhibited both phases of insulin release. the inhibition by SP-I was achieved at concentrations that normally exist in the general circulation of man. These and other data suggest that circulating SP-I plays a physiological role in the regulation of insulin secretion.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)1235-1238
    Number of pages4
    Issue number3
    StatePublished - Mar 1989

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Endocrinology


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