Modulation of mechanosensation by endogenous dopaminergic signaling in the lateral parabrachial nucleus in mice

Ho Koo, Jigong Wang, Ramesh Pariyar, Regan M. Hammond, Jun Ho La

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Introduction: The lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN), a crucial hub for integrating and modulating diverse sensory information, is known to express both D1 and D2 dopamine receptors and receive dopaminergic inputs. However, the role of the LPBN’s dopaminergic system in somatosensory processing remains largely unexplored. In this study, we investigated whether mechanical sensory stimulation triggers dopamine release in the LPBN and how D1- and D2-like receptor signaling in the LPBN influences mechanosensitivity in mice. Methods: We used a G-protein-coupled receptor–based dopamine sensor to monitor dopamine release in the LPBN and a von Frey filament assay to measure the mechanical threshold for nocifensive withdrawal in mouse hind paws after unilateral microinjection of D1- or D2-like receptor antagonist into the LPBN. Results: Noxious mechanical stimulation increased the dopamine sensor signal in the LPBN. Thresholds of nocifensive withdrawal from mechanical stimulation were decreased by the D1-like receptor antagonist SCH-23390 (0.1 mg) but increased by the D2-like receptor antagonist eticlopride (1 mg). In the intraplantar capsaicin injection model that develops mechanical hypersensitivity in the injected paw, the dopamine sensor signal in the LPBN was increased, and eticlopride (1 mg) in the LPBN significantly inhibited the capsaicin-induced mechanical hypersensitivity. Conclusions: These results suggest that endogenous dopaminergic signaling occurs in the LPBN upon noxious mechanical stimulation, inhibiting mechanosensitivity through D1-like receptors while enhancing it through D2-like receptors. D2-like receptor signaling in the LPBN may contribute to an injury-induced increase in mechanical nociception, indicating that inhibiting the receptor within the LPBN could offer potential as a novel analgesic strategy.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)e1186
JournalPain Reports
Issue number5
StatePublished - Sep 10 2024


  • Dopamine
  • Dopamine receptors
  • Lateral parabrachial nucleus
  • Mechanosensitivity
  • Somatosensation

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine


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