Oligoarginine peptides, a new family of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor inhibitors

Dmitry S. Lebedev, Elena V. Kryukova, Igor A. Ivanov, Natalia S. Egorova, Nikita D. Timofeev, Ekaterina N. Spirova, Elizaveta Yu Tufanova, Andrei E. Siniavin, Denis S. Kudryavtsev, Igor E. Kasheverov, Marios Zouridakis, Ramaz Katsarava, Nino Zavradashvili, Ia Iagorshvili, Socrates J. Tzartos, Victor I. Tsetlin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


Many peptide ligands of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) contain a large number of positively charged amino acid residues, a striking example being conotoxins RgIA and GeXIVA from marine mollusk venom, with an arginine content of .30%. To determine whether peptides built exclusively from arginine residues will interact with different nAChR subtypes or with their structural homologs such as the acetylcholine-binding protein and ligand-binding domain of the nAChR a9 subunit, we synthesized a series of R3, R6, R8, and R16 oligoarginines and investigated their activity by competition with radioiodinated a-bungarotoxin, two-electrode voltage-clamp electrophysiology, and calcium imaging. R6 and longer peptides inhibited muscle-type nAChRs, a7 nAChRs, and a3b2 nAChRs in the micromolar range. The most efficient inhibition of ion currents was detected for muscle nAChR by R16 (IC50 5 157 nM) and for the a9a10 subtype by R8 and R16 (IC50 5 44 and 120 nM, respectively). Since the R8 affinity for other tested nAChRs was 100-fold lower, R8 appears to be a selective antagonist of a9a10 nAChR. For R8, the electrophysiological and competition experiments indicated the existence of two distinct binding sites on a9a10 nAChR. Since modified oligoarginines and other cationic molecules are widely used as cell-penetrating peptides, we studied several cationic polymers and demonstrated their nAChR inhibitory activity. SIGNIFICANT STATEMENT By using radioligand analysis, electrophysiology, and calcium imaging, we found that oligoarginine peptides are a new group of inhibitors for muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and some neuronal nAChRs, the most active being those with 16 and 8 Arg residues. Such compounds and other cationic polymers are cell-penetrating tools for drug delivery, and we also demonstrated the inhibition of nAChRs for several of the latter. Possible positive and negative consequences of such an action should be taken into account.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)664-673
Number of pages10
JournalMolecular pharmacology
Issue number5
StatePublished - Nov 2019
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Molecular Medicine
  • Pharmacology


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