Optical coherence tomography angiography in retinal artery occlusion

Marco A. Bonini Filho, Mehreen Adhi, Talisa E. De Carlo, Daniela Ferrara, Caroline R. Baumal, Andre J. Witkin, Elias Reichel, Laura Kuehlewein, Srinivas R. Sadda, David Sarraf, Jay S. Duker, Nadia K. Waheed

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

91 Scopus citations


Purpose: To describe the retinal microvasculature of the eyes with nonarteritic retinal artery occlusion (RAO) based on optical coherence tomography angiography. Methods: Cross-sectional, prospective, observational study performed from September 2014 through February 2015. En face projection of optical coherence tomography angiography images centered at the macula and optic disk of the eyes presenting with RAO were acquired using the RTVue XR Avanti with AngioVue software. Qualitative analysis of the morphology of the superficial and deep retinal capillary plexuses, and radial peripapillary capillaries was performed. Retinal vasculature images using optical coherence tomography angiography were correlated with fluorescein angiography images. Results: Seven patients (seven eyes) were enrolled in the study, including three eyes with central RAO and four eyes with branch RAO. Distinct differences in the distribution of zones of decreased vascular perfusion between the superficial and deep retinal capillary plexus corresponding to areas of delayed dye perfusion on fluorescein angiography were demonstrated in 6 of 7 (86.5%) eyes. Conclusion: This small series suggests that optical coherence tomography angiography imaging can accurately discern retinal capillary plexuses at different levels in the eyes with RAO and may be sensitive for more precisely characterizing the extent of macular ischemia and monitoring vascular flow changes during the course of the disease.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2339-2346
Number of pages8
Issue number11
StatePublished - Oct 27 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Optical coherence tomography angiography
  • Retinal artery occlusion

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ophthalmology


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