Particulate-induced, prostaglandin- and cytokine-mediated bone resorption in an experimental system and in failed joint replacements

Tibor T. Glant, Joshua J. Jacobs, Katalin Mikecz, Jianling Yao, Susan Chubinskaja, James M. Williams, Robert L. Urban, Arun S. Shanbhag, Soo Ho Lee, Dale R. Sumner

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

46 Scopus citations


Total hip arthroplasty (THA) has provided dramatic pain relief and improvement in function for millions of patients with end-stage arthritis; however, periprosthetic osteolysis following THA has become increasingly recognized as a major clinical problem in both cemented and cementless reconstructions. An aggressive granulomatous tissue (interfacial membrane) consisting predominantly of fibroblasts, aggregates of macrophages, and foreign body giant cells develops at the interface of bone/prostheses or bone/cement. It is believed that particulate wear debris from prosthetic materials and/or bone cement are phagocytized by histiocytic cells of interfacial membrane and then these cells produce inflammatory mediators and proteolytic enzymes to provoke a cascade of osteolytic events. In this paper, we studied in vitro responsiveness of various cell types to particulate wear debris. Although titanium and titanium alloys demonstrate excellent biocompatibility in bulk form, titanium in particulate form can provoke a variety of cellular responses. We have found that small-sized Ti particles of phagocytosable size, a commonly encountered particle species in the periprosthetic tissues of failed THAs, stimulate macrophages to secrete various mediators of bone resorption (prostaglandin E2, interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α from macrophages and cause bone resorption in organ culture. In addition, we have shown that phagocytosable titanium particles stimulate fibroblasts to up-regulate the expression of matrix metalloproteinases (stromelysin and collagenase) without a substantial effect on the tissue inhibitor of these enzymes (TIMP). Titanium particulates also have a suppressive effect on procollagen synthesis by an osteoblast- like cell line. Thus, titanium particulates have the capacity to stimulate bone resorption and inhibit bone matrix formation. In this series of experiments, we have also shown in vitro inhibitory effect of certain pharmaceutical components (indomethacin, misoprostol) upon bone resorption in organ culture, which may indicate a potential therapeutic intervention to prevent or treat particulate-induced pathological bone resorption in total joint arthroplasties.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)27-41
Number of pages15
JournalAmerican Journal of Therapeutics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1996
Externally publishedYes


  • bone resorption
  • fibroblasts
  • gene expression
  • IL- 1
  • IL-6
  • in situ hybridization
  • interfacial membrane
  • macrophages
  • metalloproteinases
  • misoprostol
  • organ culture
  • particulate wear debris
  • prostaglandin
  • quantitative polymerase chain reaction
  • TIMP
  • TNF-α
  • total hip arthroplasty

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pharmacology
  • Pharmacology (medical)


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