title = "Permeable tubes increase the length of the gap that regenerating axons can span",
abstract = "After placement of stumps of transected rat sciatic nerve in an impermeable tube, the maximum gap the axons can span is 10 mm. The present study shows that the regenerating axons cross much longer gaps if the tube is made permeable. This improvement does not require another nerve as a transplant nor the preplacement of extracellular materials in the tube. Possible mechanisms for this improvement are discussed.",
keywords = "Axonal regeneration, Nerve transection, Permeable tube",
author = "Jenq, {Chung Bii} and Coggeshall, {Richard E.}",
note = "Funding Information: l Bunge, R.P., Bunge, M.B. and Eldridge,C .E., Linkage betweena xonael nsheathmeannt db asall aminap roduction by Schwannc ells,A nnu.Rev. Ne,~rosci9.,( 1986)305-328. 2 Henry, E.N., Chiu, T.-H., Nyilas, E., Brushart.T .M., Dikkes,P . and Sidman,R i., Nerver egeneratiotnh rough polyesterb iodegradeabtleu bes,Exp. Neurol., 90 (1985) 652-676. 3 Jenq. C.-B. and CoggeshallR, .E., Nerve regeneration throughh olevs iliconet ubes,Brain Research.3 61 (1985) 233-241. 4 Langford,L .A. and CoggeshallR, .E.. The use o1 potassi-um ferricyanidien neuralf ixativesA, nat. Rec., 197( 1980) 297-303. 5 Longo,F .M., ManthorpeM, ., SkaperS, .D., LundborgG, . and Varon, S., Neuronotrophiacc tivitiesa ccumulatein vivo within siliconen erver egeneratiocnh ambersB, rain Research2. 61 (1983)1 09-1 17. 6 Longo, F.M.. Skaper, S.D., Manthorpe,M .. Williams, L.R., Lundborg,G . and Varon. S., Temporacl hangeso f neuronotrophaicc tivitieas ccumulatining vivo withinn erve regeneratiocnh ambersE.x p. Neurol..8 1 (1983)7 56-769. 7 Longo, F.M.. Hayman,E .G., Davis,G .E., RuoslahtiE, ., Engvall,E ., ManthorpeM, . and Varon, S.. Neurite-pro-rootingf actorsa nd extracellulamr atrixc omponentasc cu-mulatingin vivow ithinn erver egeneratiocnh ambersB,r ain Research3. 09(19841) 05-117. 8 Lundborg,G ., Dahlin, L.B., DanielsenN, ., Gelberman, R,H., Longo,F .M.. Powell,H .C. and Varon, S., Nerver e-generationin siliconec hambersi:n fluenceo f gap length Supported by Muscular Dystrophy Association and NIH Grants NS10161, NS17039, NS11255, NS07185 and the Texas NeurofibromatosiFso unda-tion.",
year = "1987",
month = apr,
day = "7",
doi = "10.1016/0006-8993(87)90379-9",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "408",
pages = "239--242",
journal = "Brain Research",
issn = "0006-8993",
publisher = "Elsevier B.V.",
number = "1-2",