Protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized quality improvement project to evaluate the impact of medical safety huddles on patient safety

Meiqi Guo, Mark Bayley, Peter Cram, Richard Dunbar-Yaffe, Christian Fortin, Katharyn Go, Lauren Linett, John Matelski, Amanda Mayo, Jordan Pelc, Lawrence R. Robinson, Leahora Rotteau, Jesse Wolfstadt, Christine Soong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: Physician engagement is crucial for furthering patient safety and quality improvement within healthcare organizations. Medical Safety Huddles, which are physician-specific huddles, is a novel way to engage physicians with patient safety and may reduce adverse events experienced by patients. We plan to conduct a multi-center quality improvement (QI) initiative to implement and evaluate Medical Safety Huddles. The primary objective is to determine the impact of the huddles on adverse events experienced by patients. Secondary objectives include assessing the impact of the huddles on patient safety culture and physician engagement, and a process evaluation to assess the fidelity of implementation. Methods: This stepped wedge cluster randomized study will be conducted at four academic inpatient hospitals over 19 months. Each site will adapt Medical Safety Huddles to its own practice context to best engage physicians. We will review randomly selected patient charts for adverse events. Generalized linear mixed effects regression will be used to estimate the overall intervention effect on adverse events. Process measures such as physician attendance rates and number of safety issues raised per huddle will be tracked to monitor implementation adherence. Conclusion: Medical Safety Huddles may help healthcare organizations and medical leaders to better engage physicians with patient safety. The project results will assess the fidelity of implementation and determine the impact of Medical Safety Huddles on patient safety.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number100996
JournalContemporary Clinical Trials Communications
StatePublished - Dec 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Huddles
  • Patient safety
  • Physician engagement
  • Quality improvement

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pharmacology


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