Publisher Correction: Phase I/II study of COVID-19 RNA vaccine BNT162b1 in adults (Nature, (2020), 586, 7830, (589-593), 10.1038/s41586-020-2639-4)

Mark J. Mulligan, Kirsten E. Lyke, Nicholas Kitchin, Judith Absalon, Alejandra Gurtman, Stephen Lockhart, Kathleen Neuzil, Vanessa Raabe, Ruth Bailey, Kena A. Swanson, Ping Li, Kenneth Koury, Warren Kalina, David Cooper, Camila Fontes-Garfias, Pei Yong Shi, Özlem Türeci, Kristin R. Tompkins, Edward E. Walsh, Robert FrenckAnn R. Falsey, Philip R. Dormitzer, William C. Gruber, Uğur Şahin, Kathrin U. Jansen

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


In the print version of this Article, some of the symbols were corrupted in Fig. 4. The HTML and PDF versions of the Article were correct, and so the original Article has not been corrected online.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)E26
Issue number7844
StatePublished - Feb 4 2021

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