The use of the Cortrak Enteral Access System™ for post-pyloric (PP) feeding tube placement in a Burns Intensive Care Unit

S. J. Hemington-Gorse, N. N. Sheppard, R. Martin, O. Shelley, B. Philp, P. Dziewulski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

33 Scopus citations


Introduction: 50% of critically ill patients fail to reach caloric targets with NG feeding. PP feeding may enhance caloric intake. PP feeding can be continued throughout theatre in patients with a secure airway. Blind PP tube placement is difficult. CEAS has been developed to assist tube placement and eliminate check X-rays of tube position. Method: All BITU patients with CEAS PP feeding tube placement were identified. Notes and X-rays were reviewed. Tube position, calorie deficit and time off feed were recorded. Results: 44 tubes were placed in 21 patients using CEAS. 84% were PP, 16% NG. Position correlated to X-ray findings in 86%. In 16% position was NG on CEAS but was PP on X-ray. 10 patients required both CXR and AXR to confirm position, the remainder required CXR only. Time off feed varied from 0-24 h (mean 7.4 h). Calorie deficit ranged from 0-2465 kCal (mean 858 kCal). Average wait for X-ray was 3.4 h. If X-ray wait was eliminated calorie deficit would be reduced by 45% to 393 kCal. Conclusion: The Cortrak system is safe and effective on BITU. It reduces calorie deficit, reduces X-ray exposure and is cost effective. We recommend its use on BITU.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)277-280
Number of pages4
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Cortrak System™
  • Nutrition
  • Post-pyloric feeding

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine


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